Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Leadership roles number three

These past two weeks for leadership role i've done.

Librarian:I was on desk duty and I issued three books and returned one.

Peer mediation:I was on the senior area for the first part of lunch and no one was wanting help.

Pals:wasn't able to do since we were at the first ever koru games which was fun.

Rough play:was fun I got called in fun I got called in for bloody nose zone and still got out but I hurt my toe trying to tackle someone I did tackle them but they landed on my toe vertical and got squished.

Those what i've done for the past two weeks.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

leader ship roles

This two weeks i've done librarian and i returned one book and issued two.
for pals we played a game of football and cricket.
for peer mediation i was on the senior area no one came for help.

Math multiples

What:complete simple times tables.
so what:i was able to complete all the questions and sign them off.

now what:complete harder time table in my head and in less time.

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Leader ship roles

Pals:At pals we played different games we played octopus touch and tricky tag.

Library:In the library I wasn't on desk so I put the book back on the shelf and look if people were being sensible. 

Colossal kiwi reading

What:scan a QR code and read the article about the colossal kiwi and answer the three questions.
 So what:I read the article and answered  all the questions correctly.

Now what:make my answers longer and more technical.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Consumer and business rights

Consumer and business all have problems. NormallyThese can be started by consumer and business rights. If you read on you'll know how businesses and manufacturer have problems with not following the rights. When they have problems they can lose customer and contracts.

Losing customer can put business out of trade. The business can lose money by selling faulty goods to customer because can lose money by selling they have to pay money fix or replace it. Their is also the chance that the customer might not want to shop there again so less buyers equals less money.

Businesses,manufacturer and customers can all lose trust in each other. Businesses can lose trust in manufacturer by giving the business faulty goods.consumer will lose trust in a business if the business sells faulty goods to the consumer. Losing trust is a very big deal because if you lose trust no ones going to going to by from your company.

You wouldn't feel very confident walking into a store that's let you down before it would feel strange because they have put an internal reminder in your head of what happened before and you don't want to go though the trouble again getting it fixed or replaced.

So it is very vital to keep trust in your business to stay in trade the consumer can lose trust by buying faulty products. Business have to fix of replace items when the consumer isn't satisfied.  

Friday, 20 June 2014

Consumer and business rights intro

What write a good first sentence of what happens with their rights.
So what I was able to creat a quick sentence to start my explanation report.

Now what now what start writing the next part of the storey.

Northern light

What retrieve info from the video and answer some question.
So what I was able retrieve info from the video.

Now what answer more complicated  questions with a detailed answer.

Friday, 6 June 2014

Explanation burger chart

What:write up a burger chart for ideas for my explanation report.
So what:I was able to creat a burger chart for my explanation report and add another box for chart.

Now what:Start writing my explanation report on how to agility train a cat. 

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Grammar sheet

What:using apostrophes in contractions. 
So what:I was able to contract and detract words, and make my own sentence using two apostrophes.

Now what:make a bigger sentence with more apostrophes.

Friday, 30 May 2014

Prediction chart

What:make a prediction of the text and confirm your prediction.
So what:I was able to make a prediction properly and confirm it

Now what:make my prediction more clear and the confirmation bigger  

Sunday, 18 May 2014

The new arrival

I was coming home from school and I can say I wasn't expecting any of this.It was a normal day my brother was annoying me as usual.As we turned into the street we heard a constant whine ewr ewr ewr As we turned round the cul-de-sac we saw the neighbour holding a chocolate puppy labrador. "I didn't know they had a knew dog" mum said. As i got out the car i ran over to pat the dog I ask them what his name was. "Don't know" he said. "what?" "I found him wandering around the street sniffing at bindy"(their dog)I look around the street to see who his owners were. "I found a rip in your neighbour's gate where they had put tarpaulin up guess he chewed it" mum asked if they wanted us to look after him because they already had a dog to look after. "sure" he said he was the cutest thing ever, he was the size of a fully grown Jack Rusell, he looked only about three months old, his fur wasn't that long but his tail was long and narrow and he was the most energetic dog i've ever seen.I went upstairs to grab an old stuffed toy and he loved it.Me and my brother were chucking it back and forth just watching him chase,jump and even fall over. After a couple of minutes of that he was tired, he walked very slowly inside, I went to check on him as i walked through the door there was a disgusting stench. i followed the smell even though i really didn't want to, sadly i did only to find a little turd. As i looked round the room i saw the dog with a guilty face on. Mum didn't have much fun cleaning it up. After a few hours the dog started whining, he must have missed his owner. soon the owner came over and the dog started barking and scratching at the door. The owner said thank you for looking after him i asked what his name was "taro" after a while of talking he went home and i thought to myself i'd never had so much fun in my life. Mum had a text the next day saying thank you again for looking after him and that he slept as soon as he got home.

Thursday, 17 April 2014


What:write you mihi and remember it of by heart
So what:I was able write my mihi and remember it
Now what:write bigger mihi and remember it


What:paint a picture of the New zealand landscape
So what:I painted a picture of Auckland and did it in the correct style
So what:have better shading on the picture

Letter to parents on Wainui camp

What:write a thank you letter to a parent on wainui camp
So what:I finished my letter to Stuart
Now what:Add more detail in what I paragraphs

Tree diagrams

Walt:creat and interpret diagrams
So what:I completed all the question in the time that was set
Now what:complete harder question in less time


Anzac day poster

WALT:Self regulate learning.

So What:I finished my poster with information pictures and detail.

Now What:colour in the back ground and a bit more information